TermOur Rates
Less then
20% down
25 yr am
30 yr
1 Year Fixed6.096.346.796.34
2 Year Fixed5.445.697.145.69
3 year fxed 6o day qc pur 30 day qc switch
4 Year Fixed4.544.795.244.79
5 Year
5 Yr Fix 4.494.745.19
see email for nonquick close
10 Year Fixed5.7566.45


Spruce Grove Mortgages Scotia Bank

Spruce Grove Mortgage-Broker


Scotia Bank is one of Canada’s “Big Five” banks. They’re also one of the most popular mortgage lenders in Spruce Grove, though it isn’t just because of their sheer size. Yet you may be able to get a better deal on a Scotia Bank mortgage than their posted rates. This is because Whalen Mortgages Spruce Grove gets a volume discount from this Spruce Grove mortgage lenders. Better yet, we pass these savings on to our customers.

Why should you work with a Spruce Grove mortgage broker with top lender status for Scotia Bank ? We’ve already said Whalen Mortgages Spruce Grove can help you save money. We can also reduce the odds your Spruce Grove mortgage application will be rejected. Your debt-to-income ratio may be too high, but you could kill the deal by applying for a credit card around the same time. Your credit score could be so low that the lender will reject the application. Yet you might be approved if you applied with a different lender. Mortgage brokers can shop your mortgage with a variety of lenders and find you a competitive mortgage deal. Errors on an application like leaving off key information or issues with your credit report can cause rejection, as well.

Know that a Spruce Grove mortgage lender won’t give you a better deal or faster response time because you’ve been their customer for years. They accept many of our clients’ applications in just a few hours. This is an invaluable service when you want to be preapproved for a mortgage before you go house hunting. It is essential if you’re in desperate need of a mortgage refinance to stay on top of your bills. What if the Big Banks reject your application? We can help you find an alternative lender immediately.

Why do we do so much business with Scotia Bank? One reason is that they’re one of the few big banks offering purchase plus improvement loans, loans that let you buy a fixer-upper and have the cash to renovate the property. Let us put together the renovation plan and submit it with the mortgage application to maximize the odds the loan is approved.

Why else should you consider working with Scotia Bank?

  • You can pay an additional 15% every mortgage payment
  • You’re allowed to make a lump sum payment of up to 15% of the loan balance every year
  • You can double up on the house payments
  • You’re allowed to skip a payment if you prepay without interest accruing on the loan balance
  • You can prepay mortgage payments without penalty up to the prepayment privileges discussed above
  • They have a 90 day rate hold
  • Put 20% down on the house, and you might be able to get a 30 year amortization
  • They offer portable mortgages
  • You can take advantage of their debt consolidation loans, HELOCs or unsecured loans.


Talk to the Whalen Mortgages Spruce Grove team to learn if Scotia Bank is the right mortgage lender for you. We’re the top Spruce Grove mortgage brokers. Call us today or apply online to find the best mortgage product available.


Call your Spruce Grove trusted mortgage brokers at team Whalen Mortgages Spruce Grove to get started with your mortgage transfer or new home purchase. 780-229-5777 or apply online.